Zen Zone At Mind and Body Fitness Connections Offers a Variety of Classes

  • Shake off the stress and worries of the day

  • Renew your spirit and quiet your mind through various meditative practices and creative outlets

  • Learn about achieving greater physical, emotional and spiritual health through movement, art and health and wellness classes

  • Build camaraderie and support with like minded people


Qigong with Gwyn

Shodo Tai Chi

Mindful Living & Fitness

Hoshin Tao Chi Kung



Recorded Wellness Classes

Massage Continuing Education

Intensive Energy Classes

Monthly Scholarship Program

Gwyn began teaching public classes in 2021 in order to offer a more affordable option for people interested in learning ways to achieve better health using holistic practices.

However, if the class prices are not affordable to you and you have a sincere desire to learn these methods, you are invited to request a scholarship. The scholarship will give you access to one of the 4, 6 or 8 week courses that are offered several times throughout the year.

All communication is confidential.